Norway, UK open up Company Register Data

Open Data is all about providing access to data in easy machine readable formats for further use. Norway and recently UK have released their Company Register data via APIs. Its now possible to find new use cases to Company data. Indian Companies exploring EU markets can now have a better understanding of Businesses there.

Belgium is expected to publish its company register soon. Here is a graph showing countries and their progress in opening up company data, expectedly Norway leads the pack.


India does not figure in the list. These three countries are leading the pack among countries that signed the Open Government Partnership. India though is not a signatory has mode some progress by releasing a Open Government Platform in partnership with USA.

Further reading:

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Bureaucrat exploring the intersection of Technology,Society and Soul. Government 2.0 Advocate, Open Gov believer, Open Source enthusiast, Father, Husband. *** A Knowledge sharing initivative. Opinions are personal ********

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