All you wanted to know about using Solar Energy in Homes


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Unlike Gujarat my home state Tamilnadu is suffering massive powercuts running into nearly 10 to 12 hours. So much so that even the inverters are not able to get recharged enough to sustain the daily powercuts. Slowly the households are moving towards installation of solar panels in houses as the situation not likely to change in the near future.

Here are some of the things one can know about using solar panels for home usage. The link are taken from One Block off the Grid website. Though its a US focussed website, its time we need a service like that for India too. Go ahead and explore the solar option……

  1. How Solar Panels Work
  2. The Different Types of Solar Panels
  3. Solar Panel Efficiency and the Factors that Affect it
  4. Solar Equipment: Inverters, Solar Panels, and Sunlight. What else do you need?
  5. The Nitty-Gritty on Solar Roofing
  6. The Truth about Solar Batteries and Battery Back-up Systems
  7. Solar Maintenance & Monitoring: A Five-Minute Guide
  8. 12 Ways to Increase Home Energy Efficiency Before Installing Solar Panels
  9. Solar Economics: How Much Solar Costs and Its Financial Benefits
  10. Solar Performance Guarantees and how they work
  11. Microinverters explained
  12. How net metering works
  13. Cleaning Solar Panels


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