WordPress in Government – SWOT Analysis and Strategies –[video]

This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Future of Gov

The past month has been very busy for me with Republic Day celebrations. But it was also special because i had a chance to present my ideas on WordPress in Government to a big group of WordPress movers and shakers who got together at WordCamp Baroda. It was a great experience to connect with WP guys and gals and discuss about the software the web loves. I also met Harsh Agrawal of ShoutMeLoud whose blog has been a great resource for me over the years.

WordPress can help you make a change, create an impact no matter wherever you are, whatever you do. It empowers you to make a change. In the Goverment sector there is a lot of unexplored potential for WordPress. I have been using WordPress personally for many years now. There were some new and interesting projects i did using wordpress. I have discussed my experiences of these projects in the talk.

Some ideas i have discussed are:

Innovation is putting technology or concept in the right context.

WordPress has helped me be a leader in my area of work.

Government is a creator and enabler of platforms.

WordPress is the best tool to start your digital presence.

Watch the video below:

Presentation on Slideshare

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Bureaucrat exploring the intersection of Technology,Society and Soul. Government 2.0 Advocate, Open Gov believer, Open Source enthusiast, Father, Husband. *** A Knowledge sharing initivative. Opinions are personal ********

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