Superpublic – Innovation Space for Goverment Academia and Industry

This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Future of Gov

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SUPERPUBLIC is an Innovation Lab and collaborative space in San francisco city where federal, state, and city government come together with academia and the private sector to address policy and regulatory issues.

SUPERPUBLIC is the USA’s first collaborative workspace and Innovation Lab to provide a neutral space where the private sector, the public sector, nonprofits, and academia can come together and work to solve urban problems.

SUPERPUBLIC’s founding team includes the San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Civic Innovation, City Innovate Foundation, and General Services Administration, and UC Berkeley.  Additional partners in this effort include the Center for Design Research at Stanford University and MIT Media Lab.

The goal of SUPERPUBLIC is to do work that benefits a network of 100 inclusive metros. This network consists of cities, state, regional, and federal government officials committed to work together to solve urban problems, share best practices, and build capacity to test, learn, and pilot emerging technologies.

Focus areas:

  • Digital Services in Government
  • Urban Mobility
  • Changing Models for Procurement

The Concept of Superpublic originated  from France  where innovation teams from several French regions and government agencies work together.

  • Superpublic is the first space ever entirely devoted to innovation in the public sector.
  • To reinvent the way in which public policy is designed and implemented, free zones where it’s possible and encouraged to think out of the box are needed – open and neutral resource spaces with the capacity to reunite outstanding capabilities in public innovation. That’s what Superpublic is all about.
  • Covering an area of 300 square meters, Superpublic is designed and equipped to conduct creative design workshops, develop prototypes for innovating projects, organize encounters, set up specialized training sessions and share resources and workspace in a collaborative approach.
  • A space for co-working
  • Superpublic welcomes, on a full-time basis, both public and private structures that devote their activity to public innovation.
  • Superpublic’s purpose is to allow all disciplines, capabilities and public and private structures involved in transforming public policy to meet with each other and to interact.
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Bureaucrat exploring the intersection of Technology,Society and Soul. Government 2.0 Advocate, Open Gov believer, Open Source enthusiast, Father, Husband. *** A Knowledge sharing initivative. Opinions are personal ********

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